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Our San Diego Therapeutic Horsemanship credentialed riding instructors perform thorough evaluations and prepare individual plans for all our horse riding, groundwork, and program participants.


Our program horses are carefully hand-selected and specially trained to provide our riders with the best experience and to facilitate their success. 


As a PATH International Premier Accredited Center, we are dedicated to the highest therapeutic horse and rider industry standards for safety and professionalism.

Common Diagnoses of our Participants Include:

  • Anxiety 

  • Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) 

  • Autism

  • Cognitive challenges

  • Learning challenges

  • PTSD.

Interested ?  for more information 




Freedom Reins

San Diego Therapeutic Horsemanship is honored to provide therapeutic/recreational horse riding services to our wounded service members, including those with amputations, traumatic brain injuries, and post-traumatic stress disorder.


Mounted horse riding lessons improve muscle tone, balance, and confidence. Groundwork sessions work to increase the direct connection with the horse, building trust and communication, and providing an opportunity for emotional release coupled with a sense of accomplishment.

Therapeutic Horsemanship 

In therapeutic horse riding, lessons are provided by specially trained and certified San Diego Therapeutic Horsemanship instructors to people with cognitive, physical, psychological or social diagnoses. Grooming and horse-care are an important part of the instruction. Along with acquiring riding skills, participants often experience improvements in balance, strength, coordination, and cognitive/social skills. Therapeutic horse riding skills can range from being able to direct the horse, to participation in Paralympic events.

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